The principal text in its field, this first volume of the fifth edition of Clinical Sports Medicine continues to provide readers with quality up-to-date content. The engaging material has been contributed by leading experts from around the world. Look out for these key features, which are designed to enhance your learning.
Premium, up-to-date content
Treatment and rehabilitation is emphasised. Part A—Fundamental Principles includes 12 chapters that are either brand new or written by new authors. The chapters in Part B, which address regional problems, provide clinical solutions via clear text, abundant clinical photos (e.g. physical examination), relevant imaging and customised medical illustrations.
New tables summarise vast amounts of evidence to provide take-home messages. Primary sources are readily available.
Practice Pearl
Practice pearls are a valuable feature that provide clinical tips and important information to keep in the forefront of your mind.
The 121 world-renowned contributors bring a truly global perspective to the book.
Over 4000 carefully chosen references. A comprehensive list of references for each chapter can be found here: www.mhhe.com/au/CSM5e.